Career Oportunities

Our teams are everything. They are the ones that bring success to every project. Every team member has a particular skill set, but our hires are not only a resume, they bring much more; innovation, creativity, teamwork... If you looking for a position with career projection that technically challenge your skills, this is the correct place.
Search between our current openings bellow. We periodically have openings in a variety of positions from designers, analyst, managers, production and much more.
Project ManagersTeam Lead, Liaison...
ManagementOperations, Sales, Engineering...
TechniciansElectrical, Mechanical, Testing...
SafetyErgonomics, Human Factors...
Software DevelopersSystems, Scientific, Automation...
AnalystCrashworthiness, Stress, Aerodynamics...
DesignersCatia, Alias, NX...
FinancialAccountant, Bookeeper, Advisors...
ReliabilityFailure Prediction, Cause Root Analysis...
Human ResourcesTalent adquisition, Resources Analysis...

Submit your resume and one of our hiring specialists will be in contact shortly to review your qualifications and career preferences.

Or check our public open positions


Integral Engineering Services Provider and Staffing.

100West Big Beaver Road,

Troy MI 48084


Fax: +1 (586) 620 6070